How to install Ibis on your server. To get started you need a domain and a small Linux server with root access. The following instructions are written for Debian.
Start by downloading the binary, installing dependencies and setting up the database:
mkdir /srv/ibis cd /srv/ibis wget gzip -d ibis.gz chmod +x ibis sudo apt install postgresql nginx certbot python3-certbot-nginx # create postgres user and database sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER ibis WITH PASSWORD 'my-password';" -U postgres sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE ibis WITH OWNER ibis;" -U postgres
Create a file config.toml
with the following content:
[federation] # The domain where your ibis instance will be available domain = "" [database] # The database connection url. use the password set above connection_url = "postgres://ibis:my-password@" [setup] # Username and password for the automatically created admin account. Important to set a secure password here, as password change functionality is not yet implemented. This section can be removed after first start. admin_username = "ibis" admin_password = "your-password"
See here for all available config options.
Try running ./ibis
to ensure that it starts without errors.
Create a new user for ibis for better security:
sudo /sbin/useradd --no-create-home --system ibis sudo chown ibis:ibis . -R sudo chmod 600 config.toml
Create systemd service file at /etc/systemd/system/ibis.service
to run ibis:
[Unit] Description=Ibis Federated Wiki [Service] Type=simple User=ibis Group=ibis WorkingDirectory=/srv/ibis ExecStart=/srv/ibis/ibis Restart=on-failure [Install]
Start the service with sudo systemctl start ibis.service
and ensure it was successful by running sudo systemctl status ibis.service
. You can also view the logs with sudo journalctl -u ibis.service
Next we need to request the TLS certificate via Let’s Encrypt. Replace with your actual domain and email in the command below.
sudo certbot certonly --nginx --agree-tos -d '' -m ''
You also need to setup a cronjob to refresh the TLS certificate. For this run sudo crontab -e
and add the following line with your actual domain:
@daily certbot certonly --nginx -d -n --deploy-hook 'nginx -s reload'
Finally create the nginx configuration file. Again replace
with your actual domain.
server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name; server_tokens off; location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ { root /var/www/certbot; } location / { return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } } server { listen 443 ssl http2; listen [::]:443 ssl http2; server_name; server_tokens off; ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Host $host; } }
If everything went well you can access Ibis through your browser now. In case of problems you can join the Lemmy community or Matrix chat for help.
Once it is working, checkout the Usage_Instructions
Run the following commands in your installation folder.
wget systemctl stop ibis gzip -d -f ibis.gz chmod +x ibis systemctl start ibis
You can save them in a script
for easier usage.
sudo chmod +x sudo ./